Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas Break

How hard is it to get back into your routine after a nice two week vacation? Pretty rough actually. But here I am at my desk doing it anyway. (Not that I really have that much of an option when it really comes down to it).

Christmas break was fab. We spent Christmas in Atlanta with Matt's family this year, but since I had 2 weeks off from work, me and the Bug snuck in a little trip to Utah to see my family before we headed to the dirty dirrrty. I was so nervous to fly with him by myself but he did great! When I was boarding everyone gave me the "oh great... a baby" look but he didn't let out so much as a squeak - a real Christmas miracle.

Spending time with my family was great as usual. Utah was colder than a penguin's ass. I got to see a lot of friends in SL and Logan who I haven't seen in forever and I even went to dinner with my friends for my birthday "baby free". Grown up dinners are very rare. Between my mom and sister, it was like I didn't even have a baby (except in the middle of the night... they were no where to be found... Weird.) We did a lot of shopping, grocery shopping, running errands, grocery shopping, birthday celebrations, grocery shopping, hanging out and more grocery shopping.

Yikes! Bedhead...

We did Christmas early (on the 23rd) and the Bug got super spoiled... shocking. Curt got him camo, Nana and Grandpa got him an activity center, and Auntie got him a Johnny Jump Up. Unfortunately the baby seemed to care more about the wrapping paper than any thing else. Next year I'm giving him an empty box, but I'll wrap it up real nice.

And it was off to ATL we went where we met Matt. It was only 5 days, but it was hard to be away from him that long. We spent Christmas morning at Matt's sister's house and Christmas dinner with Matt's extended family. I met a lot of family members that I had never met before including Matt's brother Michael. Everyone was so excited to see us. We definitely need to try and go to Atlanta more often. But not too often. I gained 6 pounds in the week we were there eating as much golden delicious fried food as my heart desired. I don't know how people do it in the South. I would be at least double my weight if I lived there. Georgia is definitely a lot different from the West Coast. Matt kept telling me how much I stood out there with my poofy hair, makeup, and that I talked too "proper". Well excuse me for paying attention in English class lol.

Nieces and nephews.

At the Bounce House.

Trevor and mini-Trevor.

His first time swimming. He loved it!

Getting "gangsta" in a sweatervest in GA lol.

We barely made it home after a little mishap in the Phoenix airport. We had a two hour layover and barely made our connecting flight. Who knew we would have to completely leave the airport, catch a bus outside to another terminal, and go through security again for them to tell us we cannot board because we don't have a boarding pass for the baby. Really??? This is our 6th flight in 2 weeks and we have not had anyone ask us for one yet. After pleading with the security guy we finally got to our gate as the plane was getting ready to leave. Lately airports stress me out!

Want to know the best feeling in the world? Laying down in your own bed after 2 weeks and a stressful day. It's good to be home. I miss everyone that we live so far away from, but there is nothing like your own space. Now if only I could get back into my routine of waking up and going to work... That seems to be the hardest part.


Desi said...

I can't wait to here Katie's response to the "no where to be found" comment. Hmmmm.

Katie Jo said...
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Katie Jo said...

Oh wait... if I remember correctly the bug and I had to share the living room couch, beebops scratching and dad getting up every ten minutes cause you had the guest room and queen size bed ...all to your self. Am I remembering correctly? yes I am.

Nikki said...

Love those minielf jammies. Sooo cute!