Sunday, November 2, 2008

Little Bit of Magic

Something changed my life today. Inspired by my surroundings, I decided to prepare Mexican feast/fiesta for Matt and I for dinner tonight. I was watching TV when a commercial came on for Carl's Jr. (or as Trent calls it - CJ's) Guacamole six-dollar burger. As I watched the avocados bounce around in the blender on the commercial, I thought to myself... "I have something even better than that - I have a Magic Bullet". Now, the infomercial for the Magic Bullet is something that I have watched countless times (don't ask why) and I have been lusting after this machine for years so I was elated when I received it as a wedding gift. Tonight, however, was the first time that I put it to use and I couldn't be happier with the results. Turns out the Bullet is just as easy as it looks on TV... One, two, three - GUACAMOLE! Mmmmmm....


Anonymous said...

Nice..I'm going to have to get me one of those! How are you doing?

Nikki said...

Oh! I so want one of those. I am so jealous. I love that you were inspired by your surroundings. It's so funny because Bern and I were just watching SNL and that commercial came on. It's like we're watching the same star. HAHA. See, you're not so far away. HEE HEE!

Lara Wardle said...

Bahahah as I read this blog of yours, I could only see the excitment on your face and I burst out laughing and recieved countless stares.. might I add I was studying in the library. The best was some chinese man who gave me the look of death. Love and miss you boo!

Rice-Ball said...

I'm such a geak when it comes to info-mercials! And I happen to love the one for the magic bullet! Have tons of fun, I'm jealous, guac is my absolute favorite!