Oh Blog, how I've missed you! Who knew being a stay-at-home (hot) mama would be so time consuming! BAH!
Staying home with TC is an experience I am so grateful to have. I don't know how long I will be able to do it, but I am going to enjoy every day that I can. Everyday he makes me laugh - he is hilarious! We go to playdates, to the park, and Tiny Tot Tales at the library. Besides the little attitude he has developed, I am loving every minute! He is talking up a storm now, Matt and I counted 20 words. Not bad for a one-year-old. This kid is so smart its scary!
He loves helping at Grandpa and Nana's. He has jobs like taking out the dog, and feeding the cats. He also helps Grandpa with the irrigation water.
I decided to take a photography class and learn how to use my camera. I figured if Matt was willing to sell his X Box so I could have it, the least I could do is learn how to use it like it is supposed to be used. I learned a lot, and now that it's over I'm wishing it lasted a little longer. Here are a few of the Bug I have taken.
We moved into our new apartment! Special thanks to my parents for letting us stay with them until we found a place, but I am so excited to be in and be in my own space again. Going 2 months with everything you own in boxes is maddening. I can't tell you how happy I am to get everything out of the trailer.
Pregnancy was not kind to me. Besides the 50 extra pounds, my feet grew a size and a half. For a while I was in denial, and thought they would return to their proper size, but it just didn't happen. Because all my shoes were too small, I developed a really bad ingrown toenail. Geh. After a year, I finally went to the doctor and got part of my toenail removed. Double Geh. I'm hoping it looks somewhat normal by sandal weather, but hoping hasn't gotten me very far with this situation so we will see I guess.
Matt and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on the 20th. Confession: I completely forgot about it. I never claimed to be the perfect wife. I am HORRIBLE with dates. I actually thought we got married on the 21st. After a quick consult with our marraige licence, I realized I have had the date wrong this whole time. Like I said, I never claimed to be perfect. Matt bought himself the new Halo video game, and I bought myself a new purse. We are great at picking out gifts... Thank you Baby! In all seriousness though, I really am so blessed to have Matt in my life. He is truly the love of my life and makes me so happy. Love you Babe :)
We all went to the USU vs. Fresno State game in Logan. We love our Aggies!
The next weekend, we headed out to Wendover with my parents, my sister, and her boyfriend, Craig, for the air show. TC loves airplanes, and we thought he would love it. We were right. It was a lot of fun watching the show, but we had a little problem with seating. We brought camp chairs to sit in because the show is from 9-3. Unfortunately, the chair I borrowed from my parents had 3 out of the 4 legs broken. Great. Why they kept the chair after it was literally on its last leg is something I am still trying to understand. Nevertheless, it was all we had and my mom was determined to make it work. She rigged the legs together with the straps of the chair cases, and my dad volunteered to sit on it. At first sight, I knew this chair was a ticking time bomb. It was not an "if" but "when" situation. Sure enough, as dear old dad was reaching for the sunblock for the baby - SNAP! My sister signaled me to look back and there he was, booty on the ground, still digging for the sunblock like a soldier. A little boy behind us ran up with a pice of plastic that shot off the chair and handed it to my dad. I. Was. Dying. After laughing for roughly half an hour, I ended up sitting in the baby's stroller for the rest of the show. Notice TC and I are not the same size - it was not cute, but it was fairly convenient... I could roll to wherever I wanted without having to get up. Niiiiice. Not to long after, my sister's boyfriends chair went SNAP! Seriously??? What are the chances? We. All. Were. Dying. I really haven't seen Matt laugh that hard in a long time. Since we were quickly running out of chairs (and strollers) we decided to bail. I wanted a picture of myself with a jet, so I had my sister take one for me. Notice the lack of "jet" in the background. Uhhh... thanks anyway, sis :)
The boys and the remaining spinters of chairs. We decided to leave them there. (The chairs, not the boys.)
So that's about everything that is new with us... staying busy! I promise I will try and update more often, but at the moment TC is dancing to J Lo (which is right up my alley) and I think I should join him. Until next time America...