Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dear Economy...

Could you please shape up? Okay, okay, I'll even throw in a "pretty please"... It's getting rather annoying trying to find a job when there are none available. It's not that I don't love selling over-priced lattes to assholes driving brand new BMW's, I just wonder if there is something more fulfilling I could be doing than answering the question "Are you sure that this is milk is non-fat?" I spent a pretty good portion of my day filling out more applications. Normally, I love talking about myself, but for some reason writing resumes and cover letters just aren't doing it for me. I tried to think of some of the "skills" I have to offer, but I don't know that there is a job that is centered around eating and sleeping in excess (if you do, please email me the link) but I have yet to find these requirements in any job description.

I was then reminded of someone who I had the pleasure of meeting last week. He is called "The Bushman". Ever heard of him? His career of choice is hiding behind a couple of branches on the pier in San Francisco and jumping out and scaring people. First of all, I don't know that this is the most clever disguise, considering you can see him and he parks it in the middle of a sidewalk on a dock where bushes cant physically grow. Nevertheless, I can't help but admire him. He actually gets paid to do this. See the can next to him? Yup, full of tip money. Wouldn't that be the life?

Thank you Bushman... you have inspired me to continue in my search for my dream job. If you can make money pretending you are a poorly built tree, maybe there is a chance I will find something equally as pointless. :)


Katie Jo said...

witty... clever...hilarious. Love you.

Unknown said...

The Bushman!! Hilarious. I've seen him and he didn't scare me, but I think I left him a penny or so. Good luck with your job hunt.

Sandy Helm said...

He jumpted out at us when were there for my 50th birthday. He gave me the biggest laugh I had had in a long time. That really would be the idea job.

The only one better was an old guy at Venice Beach who had a sign saying that he was the "world's best wino" and he charged a $1.00
to take your picture with him. Of course we had to take a picture. Good luck with your job hunt!

Lara Wardle said...

Hilarious Ab. Love it. Love you.

John and Erin said...

How about a writer! You're hilarious.

The Barth Family said...

Hey Abbey! Your blog is adorable! I love your wedding pictures, whoever did them did a great job!